Our company’s president, Lawrence D. Green BASP, began his career with roles as a chemical consultant and two positions within Rodney Square Engineering. He departed in 1993 to found his own organization, Certified Building Services. In 2002, Green merged his organization with our company, Clean and Polish, before becoming our president. As President, Mr. Green directs all aspects of our safety and risk management initiatives. He routinely consults with leading architects and engineering firms on building safety plans.
An industry expert in safety compliance
Green has dedicated much of his career to the issue of the safety compliance within the field of Hi-Rise building maintenance and restoration.
• His experience in this field dates back 30 years, and he has subsequently become an expert on the subject of effective safety protocols within the industry. Much of Green’s knowledge in this area can be attributed to his involvement with the International Window Cleaning Association: He served as both an Executive Committee and Board Member for 11 years and the organization’s president from 2009-2010.
• Green consolidated his expertise in this area by attending every ANSI I 14.1 Safety Standard Committee Meeting since 2002, and assisting in a number of national IWCA or Vendor Sponsored Safety Training Seminars.
• During his tenure at the IWCA Green developed a series of Regional Safety Training Seminars that now routinely take place throughout the United States. The regional seminars continue to run today and involve day-long training programs relating to both the OSHA and the ANSI I 14.1 Safety Standards.
• Green was also instrumental in the development of the “Certified Building Maintenance Executive Program” (CBMSE). The initiative was designed to recognize the achievements of executives in the building maintenance industry. The CBMSE program underwent changes in recent years, becoming the “Building Access Safety Professional Program” (BASP).
• Alongside the BASP designation, Green holds Certificates of Professional Standing from the IWCA, SIAA and OSHA.
Awards and Acknowledgements
• For his role in the development of the IWCA Regional Safety Training Seminar program, Green was awarded the “Ettore Award,” which is the industry’s highest honor.
• A number of Green’s esteemed colleagues in the field of business maintenance have long recognized Green’s achievements in terms of safety compliance protocols within the industry. Green’s long-time business associate and personal friend, Dr. Nigel Ellis, one of the country’s leading experts on fall protection, speaks highly of Mr. Green’s many achievements:
“I have known Larry Green in a professional capacity for over 30 years. I have long been impressed with his expertise in the field of safety compliance across our industry. His notable achievements in this area include testifying at OSHA safety hearings and working through OSHA concerns to keep a clean record for his company.”